Shriya Kankatala


Hi, I'm Shriya!

I'm studying CSE and minoring in Business & Math at the University of Michigan.

I'm super passionate about using technology to improve social and mental well-being.

Currently trying to build a sheet music generator for any given mp3 file! - planning to add harmony generation as well in a future iteration.

Hobbies: singing, dancing, traveling, hiking!

Always down to meet new people and do spontaneous things :)

Let's chat:



Software Engineering Intern

Ultima Insights

Ultima Insights

Software Engineering Intern



Software Engineering Intern

V1 Michigan

V1 Michigan - Platform & Product Studio Teams

Largest community of student builders on University of Michigan's campus


MHacks - Design Team

Largest annual student-run hackathon in the Midwest


Indian American Student Association - Marketing Chair

The University of Michigan's premier South Asian cultural organization seeking to preserve and celebrate our history


ClosetSwap - V1 Fall '23 Cohort

Web platform marketplace to rent clothes and accessories quickly, reliably, and affordably from people on users' college campuses.

Profit Peak

Profit Peak - MHacks 16

AI-driven solution for small business owners to determine their optimal price through a single picture of their product.

Cohort Tracker

Cohort Tracker - V1 Platform Team

Centralized page for information on V1 Michigan's cohort's attendance, coffee chats, project progress, and assignment implementation with separate interfaces for pledges and members.